Welcome to the Partner Resources page. Here you will find information and content helpful for Townships and Boroughs of the Brandywine-Christina Basin to help protect our water resources, and fulfill the obligations of PADEP stormwater regulations.

As a cost-share participant in CWMP you help to support CWMP.org.  To learn how to make the most of this resource to help you meet your MS4 requirements for public education, outreach and training click here.

Communications Tool Box
The Communications Tool Box has a variety of materials for you to distribute to help fulfill the requirements of MCM1 and MCM2.

Plan Status
See the status of all Chester County stormwater plans submitted to the PA DEP.

Green Stormwater Infrastructure Guide
The Green Stormwater Infrastructure Guide is available in electronic format to share with residents or request a hard copy by contacting us.

Web Map
Access a map of Chester County municipalities in the Christina Basin.

Grants and Funding
There are many opportunities for funding stormwater projects for municipalities in the Christina Basin. Search the resources here.

MS4 Technical Assistance/Load & Reduction Calculations
Tools and techniques municipalities can use to develop their MS4 plans, including by mapping their focus areas and calculating loads and reductions. Go to page.

Stormwater Training
CWMP an other organizations host or product many helpful training videos, presentations and other resources. Please visit the training page to see them.

Stormwater Articles for Newsletter
Several times a year, CWMP Planning Team members will post new articles for municipalities to use for public education in their on-line and print newsletter and other communications.  Use of these articles is a benefit of CWMP Municipal membership.  Please provide credit for any article you use following the requirements listed below.  Contact CWMP if you have a suggestion for a future article.

See the Stormwater Newsletter Articles

CWMP credit requirement:

These articles are provided to CWMP partner municipalities by CWMP Planning Team members and partners.  Publishing and posting these articles is encouraged.  These articles may be republished without further permission if published as written and if credit is given to the author and their organization as listed at the end of each article.  If this article is to be used in any other manner or revised, permission from the author is required.