Online Stormwater Training Resources:

  • CWMP maintains a YouTube Channel of informative videos relating to water resources and stormwater management. CWMP YouTube Video Channel
  • You can also get more information of upcoming and past CWMP events, including meetings, tours, and workshops here.


  • Chester County Water Resources Authority (CCWRA) provides flood protection, reservoir water supplies, and water science, information and planning to the citizens of Chester County so that they may live in safe, healthy and prosperous communities that sustain the natural quality, quantity and biodiversity of the County’s water resources. Their site contains many useful stormwater training and other resources.



  • Municipal Online Stormwater Training Center (MOST) while developed for the Chesapeake Bay Watershed, many of the resources are available for and applicable to the Delaware Bay Watershed.
    • The MOST Center was established in 2015 to bridge the gap in needed technical and financial stormwater management resources in the Chesapeake Bay watershed.  This free, virtual Center provides users with tools to better communicate about, build and enhance local stormwater programs.

Through interactive lessons, videos, graphics, and knowledge checks, MOST delivers educational content in an engaging, user-friendly format.  In addition, the site features case stories that demonstrate local success, interviews with practitioners around the Chesapeake Bay region, and helpful resources such as manuals, reports, and toolkits.


  • National Stormwater Alliance  This web resource was funded by EPA and is maintained by NMSA. The guide draws upon diverse experiences of local communities in developing successful programs and addresses key program challenges and elements identified by stormwater program managers and regulatory agencies across the country.  Topics include: MS4 information, Communication and Outreach, Funding, Operations, Program Goals and Management and Water Quality Outcomes.


  • Pennsylvania Clean Water Academy The Pennsylvania Clean Water Academy provides a wide variety of on-line recorded courses on a variety of topics including:  permeable paving, riparian buffers, road maintenance, Ag erosion and sediment control, dams, PADEP grant programs and much more.


  • Chesapeake Landscape Professional training and certification program for green stormwater maintenance and inspection  Chesapeake Landscape Professional provides virtual and in-person training and certification programs for green stormwater maintenance and inspection. The program is based in the Chesapeake Bay Watershed and many classes are offered there (as close as Lancaster, PA). They are also increasing their classes offered in the Delaware River Watershed and partnering with CWMP to offer programs in Chester County. Visit their website for resources, contact Brian Winslow ( if you’d like to host a program in Chester County.
