Meetings & Workshops

Meeting details

CWMP hosts four public meetings for our watershed partners and other interested parties. We bring together municipal officials, practitioners, scientists, regulators, and interested members of the public to discuss current matters in stormwater management in the Christina Basin watersheds of Chester County.

Periodically we will host a meeting with a special agenda or specific audience. For instance, about once a year we plan to have a breakfast meeting for local elected officials to bring them up to speed on what is happening in the world of water and stormwater management.

In addition to meetings, CWMP hosts several workshops each year, with the focus on applied techniques and technical support for stormwater implementation projects and watershed protection. Workshops will include topics such as green infrastructure installation, HOA issues, Operation and Maintenance, grant and funding resources, among many others. If you are interested in particular topics, please let us know!

CWMP Events
Tuesday October 3, 2023

Lawn to Meadow Workshop
Where: Shadyside Park, 1645 Shadyside Road West Chester, PA 19380 in West Bradford Township
Time: 9 AM - Noon

Register at: Cost: Free to CWMP Cost Share Partner Municipalities and HOAs, residents, and landscapers located in these municipalities (see list attached to flyer), Other residents and entities are welcome, fee is $20 Lawn to meadow conversions are gaining strong interest for their benefits in reducing stormwater run-off and providing wildlife habitat for birds, butterflies and pollinators. Municipalities and large landowners, including HOA’s that own open space are reducing their weekly mowing and converting lawns to meadows. This is a repeat of the workshop offered last fall that filled quickly, so register early. This workshop is open to municipalities, landowners with 1/2 acre planned meadow, HOA's and landscapers to learn the how to install and maintain a meadow. The workshop will be held at Shadyside Park where we'll tour a recently installed meadow and learn about long-term maintenance and benefits. Topics include: • Introduction to meadows and stormwater benefits • Funding for meadows • Working with communities and weed ordinances • Planning and care of meadows • Long term maintenance and tour of meadow Presenters: • Christina Watersheds Municipal Partnership (CWMP), Brian Winslow • PA Dept. of Conservation and Natural Resources, Alyssa Keiser and Nikki Lee • Pennsylvania Environmental Council, Paul Racette and Susan Myerov • Weeds, Inc, owner Drew O’Neil (meadow installation and maintenance) • West Bradford Township

Wednesday August 30, 2023

MS4 Public Education Resources Webinar
Where: Virtual (
Time: 1 - 2 PM

For municipal staff responsible for stormwatereducation resources and reporting. · Doesyour municipality struggle with updating your stormwater page? · Areyou looking for stormwater resources, flyers and social media posts? · Doyou need to update your annual MS4 Report with new Public Education andOutreach (MCM 1) and Public Involvement and Participate (MCM 2) practices? This FREEone hour virtual workshop is intended for staff responsible for updatingstormwater web pages and resources to meet PADEP MS4 requirements. The webinar will walk participants throughthe resources available on the website and how to easily post linkson your website. Template flyers,articles and social media posts will also be shared that you can easilypersonalize and post or print with your municipal information. Each participant will receive a media guidefor using all of these resources. Finally, the presentation will guide participants through simple updatesand goals for public education and outreach that you can include in this year’s2023 Annual MS4 Annual report due September 30, 2023.

Wednesday June 9, 2021

Quarterly CWMP Meeting
Where: Virtual
Time: 10am -Noon

Click here to view the meeting video.

  • (00:03:44) DEP update with Krista Brown, MS4 Reporting, PADEP Clean Water Academy, and Stream Restoration crediting.
  • (00:25:20) Riparian Buffer Installation and Maintenance, David Wise, Stroud Water Research
  • (00:53:54) Encouraging Protection of existing Riparian buffers and buffer installation with policy and ordinances- Seung Ag Byun Chester County Water Authority and Grant DeCosta, Brandywine Conservancy
Friday May 21, 2021

CWMP HOA Stormwater Infrastructure Maintenance Workshop
Click here to view recording of workshop

  • Vegetation Management in Green Infrastructure presented by Vincent Cotrone and Julianne Schieffer, Penn State Extension, pdf copy of presentation
  • Retrofit Your Stormwater Basin to Improve Water Quality and Stream Health presented by Paul Racette, Pennsylvania Environmental Council, pdf copy of presentation, part 1 and part 2.
  • Ludwig’s Run Retrofit Case Study presented by Brian Winslow, Brandywine Red Clay Alliance, pdf copy of presentation
  • Inspection and Maintenance of Stormwater Best Management Practices presented by Beth Uhler, CEDARVILLE Engineering, LLC, pdf copy of presentation
Tuesday January 26, 2021

CWMP Partner Meeting
Where: Online via Zoom [link]
Time: 10AM - 12PM

First meeting of 2021. Online Zoom meeting.

Monday October 5, 2020

CWMP Rain Garden Workshop
Where: New Garden Fire Company Station 22
Click here to view Part 1 of Workshop Presentations.

Learn how the West Grove Borough Rain Garden was planned, funded, and implemented to help improve the water quality of the White Clay Creek. Learn about the design, engineering, and construction processes from Rutgers University, West Grove Borough Public Works Department and Staff, and the White Clay Creek watershed manager.

Click here to view Part 2 of walking tour of installed rain garden
Friday September 11, 2020

Christina Basin Task Force Virtual Bus Tour
Where: Meet at Myrick Conservation Center
Time: 9AM - 4PM

Annual Christina Basin Bus Tour, this year, in a virtual format.

  • Flood Protection in Chester County: The Legacy of the Brandywine Creek Watershed Work Plan
  • West Branch Red Clay Creek Riparian Buffer Projects
  • South Wilmington Wetland Project Construction and Installation
  • SUEZ Water Delaware Operations; Protecting Health Promoting Sustainability
  • Browning Barn Bio-swale
Click here to see the video.
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