Lawn to Meadow Workshop, Oct. 3, 2023

9 am to noon, Tuesday, October 3rd

At Shadyside Park, 1645 Shadyside Road West Chester, PA 19380 in West Bradford Township

Register at:

Cost: Free to CWMP Cost Share Partner Municipalities and HOA’s, residents, and landscapers located in these municipalities (see list attached to flyer),  Other residents and entities are welcome, fee is $20

Lawn to meadow conversions are gaining strong interest for their benefits in reducing stormwater run-off and providing wildlife habitat for birds, butterflies and pollinators.

Municipalities and large landowners, including HOA’s that own open space are reducing their weekly mowing and converting lawns to meadows.

This is a repeat of the workshop offered last fall that filled quickly, so register early.

This workshop is open to municipalities, landowners with 1/2 acre planned meadow, HOA’s and landscapers to learn the how to install and maintain a meadow. 

The workshop will be held at Shadyside Park where we’ll tour a recently installed meadow and learn about long-term maintenance and benefits.

Topics include:
• Introduction to meadows and stormwater benefits
• Funding for meadows
• Working with communities and weed ordinances
• Planning and care of meadows
• Long term maintenance and tour of meadow

• Christina Watersheds Municipal Partnership (CWMP), Brian Winslow
• PA Dept. of Conservation and Natural Resources, Alyssa Keiser and Nikki Lee
• Pennsylvania Environmental Council, Paul Racette and Susan Myerov
• Weeds, Inc, owner Drew O’Neil (meadow installation and maintenance)
• West Bradford Township

Force Main to Inlet Discharge by PWEA, Oct. 18, 2023

PWEA Leadership Development Conference
Presented by the PWEA Training Committee
7:30am – 4:00pm ~ ~ ~ Thursday, September 14, 2023
PA DEP approved for 2.0 drinking water and wastewater contact hours
Course IDs 9304 & 9305

This conference also qualifies for a total of 6.0 Professional Development Hours.
Registration deadline:  Friday, September 1st

More info and registration

Wetlands in Agricultural Landscapes by Penn State Extension, 3 part series, Sept 11 -14, 2023

This training program is a combination of virtual and on-site training. It will begin with a basic overview of wetlands in our region and then delve deeper into wetland areas in the agricultural landscape. The purpose of this training is to help participants make informed decisions about land management when they encounter wetland areas located in and adjacent to agricultural lands.

Registration deadline: Sept. 6th, 2023

More info and registration


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